Progress pictures – Then and now


Hi y’all!

Today’s post is quite a difficult one for me. I am going to show you my before- and during pictures! I started my weightloss journey on 13-06-2012, 13 months ago, at a local Weight Watchers meeting. I will tell you the whole ‘before’ story pretty soon but at the moment I just don’t know where to begin. Let’s just say that the main reason to start my weightloss journey was because I was fed up with being treated differently. Being overweight does not make me less than a normal, slender or fit person! I am a human being with feelings, and that should always come first. I wanted people to see me for who I am. And that’s where the journey began. Of course I also had other reasons to lose weight but they weren’t as important as being treated equally.

In the last 13 months I have experienced a lot of setbacks. And you know what? I did not let the setbacks define me. I did not stop trying. I simply made a u-turn and tried again. And harder this time. That’s the key. It’s not about how much you want to lose in how little time. You need to be in this for the long run. Do you want to lose 20 kg’s in 3 months? I wish you a whole lot of luck. You might be able to succeed but I can almost assure you that the pounds will creep back on in a heartbeat. I don’t care if it takes me three years to get to my goalweight. It’s better than being overweight for the rest of my life. And I will continue, no matter how many setbacks are ahead of me, I’ll keep going until I reach my goal.

My official Weight Watchers start weight was 121 kg’s. I think I weighed even more before then but I’m not too sure. I currently weigh around 98 kg’s but I haven’t weighed myself in a while. I know, I know… I am getting back on it, I promise!

I’ve picked out a couple of pics that scare the living shit out of me. Pardon my French but it’s the truth. I weighed around 116 kg’s in these pictures. The last three pictures are from this weekend. I’m not happy with how I look (hello flabby arms!) but it sure is an improvement. Are you ready for the pictures? ‘Cause I sure ain’t!


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As you can see I used my bag to ‘cover up’ my stomach. How many of you do this too? I used to do this all the time. With my bag, a pillow, a blanket… whatever I could get my hands on! I sometimes catch myself doing it on days where I feel like the old me. But if you do this too, take a good look at that picture. Don’t I look weird? It draws so much more attention to that area than necessary. Seriously people, let’s stop covering up our flaws.

And below you can see what I looked like last Saturday:

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I can’t say I am very happy with how I look right now… I hoped I would have lost more weight by now. But I am proud of how far I’ve come. I have never, ever been able to keep going for such a long period of time. And I will reach my goals, I just don’t know when.

What do you see when you compare pictures of yourself from last year to today? Do you look better or worse? If you think you look worse, what is holding you back to take charge? A year from now you’ll wish you’d started today.

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